Kirsan Baby

Road to Grandmaster has branched into music and political satire for the festive season. My altered cover of ‘Santa Baby’ – retitled ‘Kirsan Baby’ – can be found below. It’s a lighthearted tribute to the FIDE President.

Here are the lyrics:

Kirsan Baby, slip three GM norms under the tree, for me.
Been an awful good boy, Kirsan baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Kirsan baby, 2500 rating points too, from you.
I’ll wait up for you dear, Kirsan baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Oh! All the blunders I’ve made,
Think of all the brilliant moves I haven’t played,
Next year I could be just as good,
If you’ll check off my Christmas list,

Kirsan baby, I wanna chess set with flashing lights
Been an angel all year, Kirsan baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Kirsan honey, there’s one thing I really would like, the right,
To a championship match, with Anand,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Kirsan cutie, and fill my stocking with MegaBase, from ChessBase,
P’raps a DVD too, Kirsan cutie,
And hurry down the chimney tonight.

Come and trim my Christmas tree,
With some Staunton chessmen bought at Regency,
I really did vote for you,
Now where is my Vice Presidency?

Kirsan baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ride.
In your friends’ UFO, Kirsan baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry, tonight.

Vocals: William Taylor
Backing track:
Lyrics: William Taylor and Tim Taylor
Video: Tim Taylor

Original song ‘Santa Baby’ by Joan Javits, Philip Springer and Fred Ebb.

I hope you like it, and I encourage you all to record your own chess-related Christmas singles!

4 thoughts on “Kirsan Baby

  1. GM Spragget has shared your video, after i sent him the link, as it was in line with the christmas “TURKEYGATE” in the CFC, widely reported by the GM, in his blog… As an avid reader of his blog for many years( he is married to a portuguese woman, also a player, and has been widely involved with the coaching of several players in Portugal.) , i thought he would love it !
    Nice playing with you and meeting you as we.ll…Ill be better prepared next time !!

    1. Your comment was initially automatically filtered out as spam, but fortunately I picked it up. 🙂 Thanks for publicising it. Nice playing you too, and hopefully I will also be better prepared next time!

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