Here is a position from one of my recent 4NCL games. Black to play and draw. The solution is given at the end of the post.
FIDE standard: 1991-1993 (expected), +2 points
I have played only one FIDE-rated game in the last three weeks, which was a win against a 1606 in the last game of the season in the French league. I hope to report some real movement in my rating next time, as I will be playing four games in the Central London Chess Congress and three games in the final 4NCL weekend before my next report.
Assessment: Red (cause for concern)
The study has taken a bit of a hit this period, as I had flu over Easter, so did almost none in that week. It has got back on track since, though I have not been particularly good at keeping my study log up-to-date. I have updated it today with some estimates of my recent study, and will endeavour to keep a more accurate record going forward.
Assessment: Amber (some cause for concern)
Finally, the solution to the problem posted above. I was pleased to find this move, and feel I have improved at defending tough positions in recent months. Saving half points like these could be key in my efforts to get to 2100 over the next few months.