The target was 10 hours again, and I just managed it, with about 10 hours 10 minutes. Details of the weeks’ training follow:
Monday 25th: 15 minutes visualisation training using ‘Chess Eye’, 15 minutes tactics problems with ICC‘s TrainingBot, 30 minutes playing a 15 0 game
Tuesday 26th: 15 minutes PlayChess tactics problems + 5 minutes reviewing my mistakes
Wednesday 27th: 60 minutes Chess Tempo tactics problems (I only had the use of a computer without ICC or PlayChess software during that hour, so I couldn’t play games or do any varied training)
Thursday 28th: 30 minutes Chess Tempo problems, 45 minutes playing 2x 15 0 games
Friday 29th: 15 minutes Chess Tempo problems, 10 minutes playing 15 0 game (losing quickly in a Dragon), 35 minutes reviewing 1st video of GM Ronen Har-Zvi’s Dragon series on ChessFM
Saturday 30th: 15 minutes TrainingBot problems, 25 minutes Chess Tempo problems, 3 hours at Chess Society (of which I’m counting 2 as useful training time), 1 hour playing 3x 10 0 training games with chessdi + analysis, 1 hour playing 3 0 blitz games with my friend Dave Brogan who used to give me lessons many years ago
Sunday 31st: 30 minutes Chess Tempo problems, 25 minutes playing a 15 0 game (Sunday was more dissertation-focused, following Saturday’s chess gluttony)
I may struggle to make 10 hours this week, as it’s necessary to spend more time investigating and writing about the [sarcasm]neverending fascinations[/sarcasm] of lidar. It has been suggested that my training plan could do with a bit more structure, as at the moment the only constant element is the daily tactics problems, so I will consider modifying it for next week.
Hey Will. Are you playing in the 4ncl or northen ncl this weekend?
Hi Ben. Yep, I’m playing for Cheddleton 2 in the Northern League. Looking forward to my first FIDE-rated games.
Well done Will, but now its time to give your diss some serious attention!
Offcourse school is more important then chess (atleast at our (current) level)).
I wonder if your friend Dave Brogan noticed some difference(s) in your current playing strenght as opposed the period he gave you lessons?
Keep up the good work further GM but dont neglect your girlfriend.
Yes, I was definitely stronger than when Dave used to give me lessons. I was no match for him then, but had the upper hand in our recent session (though it’s probable that Dave would still be better in long time control games).
Just looked at the results from 4ncl. If it’s the same Malcolm Armstrong who used to play for Slough now playing for Cheddleton, say ‘hi’ from me the next time you see him.
Will do.
Hi Will,
I have read that blindfold chess doesn’t improve standard chess abilities…
What is the value of this ‘Chess eye’ program?
What makes you think that you will benefit from this training?
Hi Léontine,
It seems to me that being able to visualise the board and move pieces more easily in my head may help with calculating variations, but I may be mistaken; it’s an experiment. Where have you read that?
I have read it here:
Also, this document has lots of good hints on chess training.