Road to 2100: T-23 Review

Rather than putting out a T-24 review last week I have decided to bisect the 6 week gap to T-20 and do a T-23 review instead.  Thereafter we should revert to the four-weekly schedule.


FIDE standard: 1973-1989 (expected), +16 points

I have played three FIDE-rated games this period; a win against an 1841 in the French League, and then a draw (vs 1943) and a win (vs 2023) this weekend in the 4NCL.  I was made to work very hard for that draw – 105 moves of suffering – but managed to hang on.  The rating continues to move in the right direction, but the real points will be won or lost in the tournaments I have planned for the summer.

Assessment: Red (cause for concern)


I have again met my 6 hours per week target this period, and the ‘deliverables’ idea I introduced last time has meant that I am starting to make headway on Jacob Aagaard’s ‘Calculation’, which I had been putting off.  Whether 6 hours a week is really enough is an open question, but given that I am also playing 2-3 evening league games most weeks and working full time it is about as much as I can manage at the moment.

Note: my study log is not quite up-to-date at the moment; I’ll try to get round to updating it soon.

Assessment: Amber (some cause for concern)

If you have any thoughts you would like to share, please comment below.

2 thoughts on “Road to 2100: T-23 Review

  1. Hello,
    My name is T. Ponder, I’m a Writer and Avid Chess-Player. I admire your Chess page and amount of Study you put into Chess. I’m the same! I put in hours of Chess playing BUT have not been able to play in any real-Chess-Tournaments. I’m active on, and with study skills I’ve honed overtime. Do you have a mailing-list that I can be apart of with your Chess-playing updates and things you’d like to share?

    1. Hello,
      I do have a mailing list, though I don’t use it very much. I’ve added you to it anyway. Best of luck with your chess.

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