Czech Open result

The Czech Open is now finished, and, all-in-all, it went well.  I finished on 4.5/9 (my pre-tournament aim) against opposition ranging from 2035 to 2151.  This means that I’m expected to gain about 40 rating points, taking me up to ~2017 in the next FIDE rating list.  I’ll post a few of my games when I get back to England.

3 thoughts on “Czech Open result

  1. FANTASTIC EFFORT!! This is good news you’ve broken the expert mark, now that you’ve passed the pesky 2000 hurdle and beat a titled player (!) you can start towards that first goal of 2200 which is the halfway mark for GM . BTW thanks for posting and giving us somewhat regular updates, you do have a fan base that is cheering you on after all (all amateurs!) your training with the GM must be very helpful indeed! When’s the next tourney?

  2. Awesome result! It’s too bad i couldn’t get to Pardubice :/ I hope you had some fun there as well, it’s said to have a great athmosphere, cheap and good food, and all of that jazz. Keep it up!

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