Czech Open update

I’ve now played the first two rounds of the main tournament here in Pardubice, and it’s going well.  Yesterday I managed to beat a 2151 with white, and today I drew a 2107 with black.  Yesterday’s opponent blundered in the opening, and although I allowed him plenty of counterplay I don’t think I ever squandered the win.  I felt like I had slightly the better of it for most of today’s game too, but a quick look with Houdini shows that it was pretty equal most of the way and a draw is a fair result.

I may post game fragments when I get a chance, but I won’t be posting complete games until after the event so as to keep the openings I’m playing here a secret.

2 thoughts on “Czech Open update

  1. Hi Will,

    Just discovered your blog – I wish you the best of luck. Are you still managing to play any go?

    1. Hi Rich,

      Thank you. 🙂 Sadly I’ve dropped go more-or-less completely for the time being to focus on the chess. I’d hoped to play the British Open(?) when it was held in Durham this year, but unfortunately it clashed with final-year uni work.


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