Weekly Progress Reports #16 & #17

Apologies for the lack of report last week; you’re getting a double installment now.  The bad news is that last week I didn’t make the target, managing 6 hours and 25 minutes.  The good news is that this week I did, with 10 hours 10 minutes.  Here’s the breakdown:

1st week

Monday: 3 hours playing a local league game

Tuesday: 30 minutes CT-Art

Wednesday: 15 minutes CT-Art

Thursday: 30 minutes Chess Tempo, 15 minutes CT-Art

Friday: 25 minutes playing a 15 0 game

Saturday: 90 minutes opening preparation (on the bus to Tough Guy, so I was limited to the one book I had with me)

Sunday: No chess, but lots of pain, which I’ll write about shortly

2nd week

Monday & Tuesday: Little chess (lots of chemistry and physics practicals)

Wednesday: 60 minutes opening preparation for the evening’s game (some of which hit the mark), 2 hours 40 minutes playing a club championship game + 30 minutes post-mortem analysis

Thursday: 50 minutes analysing Wednesday’s game, 45 minutes analysing last Monday’s game, 10 minutes Chess Tempo

Friday: 15 minutes analysing Wednesday’s game, 30 minutes CT-Art

Saturday: 10 minutes CT-Art, 2 hours playing decent opposition at Durham University Chess Society

Sunday: 10 minutes analysing Wednesday’s game, 20 minutes CT-Art, 50 minutes middlegame study (‘The Secret To Chess’)

From this week until the end of term the target will be 12 hours a week.  Upcoming events I’ll be playing in include the next 4NCL weekend, the British Universities’ Chess Association Team Championships, and the Blackpool Chess Conference.

6 thoughts on “Weekly Progress Reports #16 & #17

    1. I won both. In the league game I was white in a Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation and got a decent advantage out of the opening. In the club champs game I was black in a Centre Game and eventually emerged from the tactics with a winning position. I hear Sedgemoor are through to the semis of the Somerset Cup. Good luck!

      1. Only to face a very strong Glastonbury side!!!
        They have sooo many good juniors that is untrue!!!! No wonder with a coach like GM Turner!!!

        Will, are you playing Blackpool this year?? I might turn up there myself if time allows it.

        1. Yes I am. Haven’t entered yet as I’m trying to find my ECF membership number, which I seem to have misplaced every time I want to enter a tournament! See you there, hopefully.

          I’m confident Sedgemoor can overcome Glasto!

  1. I just read your article in ‘Chess’ magazine.

    I’m really impressed with your work rate; I gave up chess seriously to concentrate on my Degree, so I have some idea of the effort!

    I wish you all the best!

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